Spotlight on Tracy: A Stylish Journey with a Project Glimmer Ambassador

Project Glimmer is thrilled to introduce our newest Ambassador - Tracy Shapoff! Tracy is a wardrobe stylist who truly embodies our mission to empower others. By surrounding herself with hardworking, passionate, smart, and loving people, she continually grows and evolves as a person.

Even more inspiring is Tracy's deep passion for Project Glimmer and our daily efforts to inspire and empower those around us. We had the pleasure of sitting down with Tracy to delve deeper into her story and vision. We hope you enjoy getting to know her as much as we did!

PG: Can you share about your journey to becoming a stylist?

T: My journey to styling was neither quick, easy, nor a straight line, but it taught me so much along the way. I studied Fashion Design at Kent State University, intending to design for companies and eventually start my own label. Straight out of college in the early-mid 00’s, I moved to NYC to design womenswear for a licensing company. Shortly after, a friend introduced me to an opportunity at Kohl’s as a Trend Coordinator for Accessories & Footwear. Despite not fully understanding the role, I pursued it, doubled my salary, and left my second job. At Kohl's, I collaborated with trend forecasting companies and the design team, guiding future collections.

After 2.5 years, I transitioned to Editorial work, interning at a fashion magazine and learning about styling, PR showrooms, and photoshoots. This experience led me to apply for a job at Sam Edelman Shoes. Although the position was for store management, I proposed and built a Trend/Fashion Department instead. For three years, I traveled internationally for fashion research, helped expand the lifestyle brand, and contributed to creating Circus by Sam Edelman.

I almost moved to London but chose LA to pursue styling. Before styling was popular on social media, I researched agencies and stylists, securing a job as a 1st Assistant. Over 5-6 years, I assisted various stylists and built my own clientele, emphasizing the importance of hard work and establishing a reputation. This dedication led to being signed by an agency. In recent years, I transitioned from a studio apartment to setting up my LLC and opening my office/studio space. It hasn't been easy, but the potential for growth in this industry is endless if you work hard.

PG: Can you share “a day in your life,” what excites and challenges you?

T: An average day would be sending hundreds of emails for requests to PR teams for an upcoming client, running around town to do “pulls” (borrowing clothes from showrooms), putting together racks of looks for a fitting, and possibly also having a fitting that day. I am required to do everything from beginning to end for a client. For example, a female client attending an award show: pulling dozens (or more) of gowns, shoes, jewelry, bags and then putting it all together in a cohesive look.

This past year, I completed my first major press tour with a new client, spanning six months and including photoshoots, press appearances, and award shows with multiple nominations. Opening my first office space was a significant accomplishment, despite the uncertainties in this job. Every day brings new challenges, from finding new clients to securing the right pieces for current ones. The job demands multitasking, organization, and efficiency, especially during busy times with overlapping jobs. During slow spells, staying motivated and pushing through to the next opportunity is crucial.

PG: How does a career in styling help with confidence?

T: My job is to really make the client feel comfortable and confident from beginning to end. You want to build a relationship with each client as they are in a very vulnerable state with you and it is your job to make them feel and look the best they can be. I have seen clients come in having a terrible day, or feeling self conscious about something then put on the perfect dress, or top and pants and completely change their mood around. It is about knowing who you are working with and helping to take some bit of stress off of them. I have found that many people do not know what looks best on their body types, or in general they hate shopping. This gives me the opportunity to help clients through those obstacles and there is nothing more rewarding than seeing my clients smiling and happy.

PG: What advice would you give to your teenage self?

T: Expect the unexpected. Say yes to every opportunity, you never know where it will lead you. Hard work always pays off eventually. You only have this one precious life to live, don’t waste it trying to be perfect. Have fun with how you look, experiment, be unique, dress for yourself not for anyone else. Be kind to yourself, EVERYONE has insecurities, whether it seems like it or not. Don’t let those insecurities define you though, focus on the things you love about yourself.

When looking for a role model, look for someone experienced, willing to teach you, transparency and most importantly KIND. You want them to help you grow, and let you flourish. This is very important: You want them to know when to let you go off on your own and not try to hold you back because they are scared to lose you, this is common and also selfish. The only things I ever learned from mean bosses was what NOT to do with my own assistants. Everyone deserves a chance, let them prove to you that they want it.

PG: Why do you believe in being an Ambassador for Project Glimmer?

T: I think it is so important to help empower young women. I was lucky enough to have great role models who helped instill confidence in me, but not everyone is and I have seen that more and more the older I have gotten. I want to be able to spread my knowledge, experience and positivity onto others. I believe in sharing not gatekeeping. Women are beautiful, powerful creatures and we deserve to be held up & supported, not pulled down.


Meeting Dahvi Shira: A Vibrant New Project Glimmer Ambassador