Meeting Dahvi Shira: A Vibrant New Project Glimmer Ambassador

Last month, we had the incredible opportunity to meet the amazing Dahvi Shira at an event in Los Angeles. Coincidentally, both of us had just landed from San Francisco and immediately started chatting. Dahvi's vibrant personality is truly captivating, and her genuine desire to do good in the world radiates from her.

What's even better is her passion for Project Glimmer and the work we do every day to inspire and empower those around us. Fast forward, and Dahvi is now a Project Glimmer Ambassador, helping us raise awareness of our mission and make a positive impact.

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Dahvi during Pride Month to delve a little deeper into her story and her vision. We hope you enjoy getting to know her as much as we did!

PG: How have you been an ally to the LGBTQ+ community through your work?

D: I’ve always held an inviting safe space for people to share their personal stories or to shed light on a brand they created despite the hurdles of being an LGBTQ+ founder.

In terms of my own personal content, I’ve always spread love and acceptance for the community, whether on social media or editorially. It could be something as small as doing a rainbow eye makeup look for Pride to show that I stand with the community; or something much bigger like writing a feature article on a founder, celebrity or content creator who paved the way for other people in the community to live their most authentic life.

PG: Who do you look up to in the LGBTQ+ community in your field?

D: I don’t know if I’d say “look up to” is the right wording, but people who I have a lot of respect for are the Bretman Rocks of the world—gender-bending males who are living their most authentic, fearless lives. They’re going full glam, they’re wearing crop tops. They don’t care. There’s a popular content creator on TikTok named Jesse Jaggers. He’s a small town kid who moved to LA and is thriving in the makeup community, despite any so-called societal norms he grew up with. There’s also Jake Warden, the Global Makeup Expert for Dolce & Gabbana Beauty. He’s all of 22 years old and look where he is. These people alone have even opened my mind a bit more. I also appreciate that none of the people I mentioned have problematic reputations. There’s much more to being a good leader than skill. I see these people as role models to their community. 

PG: During Pride month, what does it mean to be inclusive to you?

D: Pride month has always been an exciting time for me. Since moving to LA in 2007, the majority of my personal network has been LGBTQ+. And if they’re not a direct member of the community, they’re allies like me. Because of that, I’ve always felt very close to the movement and I’ve always provided a safe space for the community to share their journey, their internal struggles, their family hurdles. I’ve learned that everyone has a different experience with understanding their sexuality and how they’ve chosen to make it public (which, by the way, just writing that is so weird to me. Like why do they have to make their sexuality public?!). Being inclusive is understanding there’s not one singular type of “gay” or “lesbian” or “transgender.” Everyone in the community is unique with their own story. And to be completely honest, I’m still learning. The community is ever-evolving and there will never be enough empathy and education. I welcome greater knowledge with open arms.

PG: What career advice do you have for Project Glimmer’s youth reading today?

D: Plain and simple: Follow your dreams. Pursue what you know you’re good at; what you know you’ll love doing for the rest of your life. You don’t have to do it all. There are definitely the overachievers who want a piece of everything (and good for them because it’s not me!), but it’s also ok to be good at one thing—and be really good at it. Keep working on your craft. Show it off on social media. In today’s era, it’s socially acceptable to (humbly) brag about everything we’re good at. Make it known. Be proud of your best work, while also setting a strong, positive example for others. Be humble, be gracious, be professional. Be the leader you wish you had to look up to when you were younger.

PG: Can you share a little about your background and career trajectory?

D: I’ve always been a writer. Some people are good at everything—I’m decent at some things, and then I really excel at one thing. I’ve been creatively writing since I was like five. My dad still has all these stories I wrote as a kid. I always knew I’d be a writer. It wasn’t even cool when I was growing up, so to see how now everyone wants to be a writer is really interesting. Guess it just goes to show you shouldn’t let unpopularity guide your decision-making.

I majored in Magazine Journalism at the University of Oregon, and then moved straight to L.A. and worked in celebrity news and gossip at E!, then People. It was truly an unmatched time in my life that I am grateful for every day. But circumstance and a general shift in the landscape led me to beauty and lifestyle (which is much more me than celebrities anyway—even though I still live for a dishy tabloid story).

PG: Please fill us in on your career and what you love most about your job?

D: Since the pandemic, I’ve been a freelance writer for a handful of publications covering all things beauty and lifestyle (including Forbes, Glossy, Beauty Independent, The Daily Beast, Mane Addicts, IPSY, Real Simple and Well+Good). I mostly cover industry trends and founder features. I also write some detailed product reviews. I’m a storyteller by nature, so I love bringing a situation to life with words.

Where I’m at now in my career definitely feels the most fulfilling. In the last two years alone, I’ve connected with so many incredible people that have either led me to other people or opportunities, or have become very close personal friends. I don’t think that’s common in every career, especially in L.A. I’ve been really fortunate to meet some wildly successful, inspiring, encouraging individuals who not only share my interests, but are actually rooting me on. So basically I’m writing about fun stuff, going to amazing events and connecting with the best people. It’s a win across the board.

PG: Why is it important for you to be an Ambassador for Project Glimmer?

D: I love connecting with youth who are eager and passionate about their future. I didn’t have access to mentors or interest groups when I was younger. Literally all we had were tutors who could help us pass a class, but there was no relationship outside of that. I wish I had someone older who could offer real-life advice and inspiration. I love everything Project Glimmer stands for.

PG: What is your magic/superpower?

D: I’m the self-proclaimed queen of the email. I get what I want 95% of the time based on knowing how to craft the perfect email. It truly is a skill that no one even teaches us. That aside, I think I also connect with people easily.

PG: How can readers connect with you?

D: I want people to always feel like they can reach out to me on social media if they have career questions or anything at all. I want to be a safe and inviting space for anyone looking to make a thoughtful connection. Find me on IG: @dahvishira and TikTok: @dgidahvz


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